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User Interviews


During the ideation phase of the project, I conducted two interviews to build an idea on what struggles were to help create structure for the design. An interview script with 10 open ended questions were asked with an interview time of 15 mins.


Pain points of a few employees:

  • View their points (reprimanded system for not showing up to work or calling out)

  • Viewing paid time off balances

  • Submit & modifying requested time off


User Stories



  • As an employee, sign into the portal so that we know we are accessing our account details

  • As an employee, view our paid time off (PTO) so that we do not have to call human resources support

  • As an employee, view points so that we know we are reprimanded for taking unexpected time off



  • As an employee, request time off so that we do not have to call human resources support

User Flow
  • A path with steps created for user navigation

  • Helped me create a flow for the design of individual screens

Site Mapping
  • A path with steps created for user navigation

  • Helped me create a flow for the design of individual screens

Low Fidelity Wireframes
  • The basic view of the screens with minimal color and functionality

Style Guide

​Here I created a style guide that included similar design elements that exist within the Septa branding guidelines today. I ensured that this style guide included all the basics to what a style guide should compose of.


High Fidelities​


  • The close to final screens for a live mobile application

Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 11.01.18 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 11.01.37 PM.png

Enjoy the clickable prototype created in Figma.


Another round of interviews would have been efficient to know what users actually want

Next Steps
  • User Tests to gain feedback

  • Redesign based on feedback

  • Development

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